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Union Public Schools Board of Education: Steve Nguyen - Zone 5; Dr. Chris McNeil - Zone 2; Heather McAdams - Zone 3; Stacey Roemerman - Zone 4 ; Joey Reyes - Zone 1; and Superintendent Dr. John Federline.

A brief summary of the February 11 Board of Education meeting has been posted which includes information on next year's school calendar.


proposed calendar for the 2025-2026 school year

The Union Board of Education on first reading considered a proposed calendar for the 2025-2026 school year. The Board will consider approval during the second reading at the next Board meeting on March 10.

District News Thumbnail Art

With so much sickness going around, the Union Benefits Department would like to remind members on the UMR medical plan of their benefit through Teladoc.

An alumnus of Union High School, John Federline became the Union district’s superintendent on July 1. “We have an economic and moral imperative to make sure that our kids are prepared for life beyond high school,” he said.  Stephen Pingry, Tulsa World

Dr. John Federline: "I want to take a moment to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety, well-being, and educational opportunities of every student in our district."