Union Finances
Revenues & Expenditures
Foundation (Formula) State Aid, the district’s single largest source of operating revenue, was $48,735,692.
Union received $33,746,850 in ad valorem revenues for 2022-2023 and placed in the General Fund based on the district’s net assessed valuation of $956,632,688.
Total bonded indebtedness as of June 30, 2023, was $105,889,250 (principal and interest).
Union maintains an excellent bond rating of AA+ from Standard & Poors.
Caption: The graph shows two pie charts for revenues and expenditures. The revenues graph shows 34 percent for state aid at S48.7 million, additional state funds at 17 percent or $23.9 million, federal funds at 15 percent or $21 million, taxes for 23 percent or #33.7 million, local funds for $10.8 million and intermediate funds for 4 percent or $5.3 million. The expenditures graph show instruction at 52 percent or $74.6 million, followed by (in order as presented on the graph) student transportation, 4 percent or $6.1 million; non-instructional services at 4 percent or $5.7 million, operations and maintenance at 11 percent or $15.1 million, business at 6 percent or $8.8 million, school administration at 7 percent or #10.5 million; general administration at 2 percent or $3.2 million, instructional support at 5 percent or $7.2 million and student support at 9 percent or $12 million.
2022-2023 Finance Division Highlights